أهلا فيكم  

نحن متخصصون في تقديم اكتشافات فريدة وخاصة مثل الألعاب الممتعة والأماكن التي يمكنك زيارتها مع أطفالك وعائلتك في المملكة العربية السعودية. من المؤكد أن مجموعتنا المختارة  ستجلب الفرح والإبداع لأطفالك .

Activates in Saudi Arabia


Here are lovely places to go to 


Beach activities

Fun beach activities to do as a family .



Book a pool or go to a pool park 


Restaurants with play area

Grab a yummy meal and let your kids play too 


Farms that have animals to touch and ride 


Places for kids to play and craft

Toys and kids needs on the way 

Contact us

Contact us for business to advertise your place Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia

About us

Tahani_links is a family-owned business dedicated to providing unique and special finds for children in Saudi Arabia. With a passion for creativity and education, we strive to inspire young minds and foster a love for learning and exploration.